Efficiency over growth

2022 marked a rebirth of sorts for us at POPUP. After two years of mass disruption in the way we think about and deliver education, last year’s primary objective was consolidation. We grappled with some of the consequences of leadership transitions and charting a path forward in the midst of uncertainty. We opted to focus primarily on our efficiency of execution to ensure we maximise impact returns for our funders.

Shifting Plates

It was a year full of hidden surprises. Like tectonic plates shifting, new mountains rise up, new valleys form. Weather patterns change. Suddenly, it’s raining in the desert and highways emerge in the seas. Our internal landscape changed significantly.

  • Our sites in Tshwane halved in 2022.
    • POPUP Moot was mothballed due to a shift in strategy regarding ideal locations.
    • POPUP Raslouw was closed for infrastructure improvements. (Opened in October.)
  • We experienced a 30% staff turnover during the first 6 months of the year with the leadership transition and change in season.
  • 80% of our management team stepped into new roles last year.
  • We executed a significant change in our learnership strategy to align to our mandate.


Clarity is incredibly powerful. In a world fraught with ambiguity, moments of clarity pierce through the noise with conviction and certainty. Once we achieved this clarity regarding the way forward our team grew. Reinforcements showed up to make our hands strong.
We are deeply grateful for an almost complete management team that brings the necessary experience and capacity to our work. We were also fortunate to invest R800k in the Raslouw revamp project that brought that site back on-line for the last quarter of 2022.

Cast every hinderance aside

“let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” *
This was our mission statement in 2022. Let us cast of the weight. The burdens we carry that do not serve us in our race. Our ‘River of Hope’ clarifies our role and mandate. This is our Theory of Change, our role in the eco-system of our cities, and our contribution to seeing our cities made whole.

 River of Hope

  1. Depicts the journey of a learner from Hopeless Consumer to Positive Contributor.

    River of Hope

  2. This is depicted metaphorically as a river split into three phases.
    1. Phase 1 – The consequences of social pain – A polluted river in the desert.
    2. Phase 2 – POPUP as the process that cleans the river.
    3. Phase 3 – A healthy river with a flourishing delta.

Phase 1 – Desert

Our Inputs – the drains are sources of social pain dumping waste into the river making it unhealthy. This affects the landscape making it arid and unfruitful.
Phase 2 – Farmlands

Our Process– the gears that we turn to ‘clean the river’, i.e., address the social pain:

  1. Character – Our Life Skills Process where we address Identity, Calling and Contribution.
  2. Capacity – Here we increase our learner’s capability to contribute to the working world.
  3. Competence – Here we address specific practical skills that will help learners find employment.

The farming imagery is used for two reasons:

  1. In the process of extracting pollution from the river, we repurpose it to create fertilizer (Value). That which seems worthless is turned into life giving produce.
  2. To keep the desert at bay, we first create rigid structure and process (farming), an intensive, controlled process that ultimately allows the forest to flourish in a natural, unforced rhythm of grace in the delta.

Phase 3 – Forested Delta

Our Outputs – that which our work produces. Here the river splits into three channels as the river flows out into a flourishing Delta:

  1. Advanced Skills – Because learners went through our process, they are now able to go onto further skills development with advanced providers within and outside of our eco-system.
  2. Job Placement – Through our eco-system and industry specific interventions we place learners into employment, i.e., opportunities to make a positive contribution and earn money.
  3. Entrepreneurship – Entry into our Incubation Process to further develop business skills and ultimately create their own sustainable income streams.

The trees are all different types and sizes because each learner is different. They have become the ‘Oaks of Righteousness’ that restore the desert into a flourishing eco-system where each person is valued –
A City of Wholeness where every person is:

  • treated with dignity,
  • contributes positively and
  • lives with significance

Partner with us for 2023

We would love to become your Impact partner in 2023. There are several ways to get involved:

  • As an Individual:
    • Select POPUP as a beneficiary on your MySchool Card
      • This donates 1% of your spend every month
      • Choose up to three beneficiaries so no need to stop giving to your kids schools.
    • Commit to a debit order
      • If you want to give to a cause in addition to your church giving.
    • Sponsor a Learner
      • The average learner journeys with us for 214 teaching days.
      • You can change a learner’s life by helping to fund this journey.
    • As a company:

Contact us

For more information or if you would like to get involved, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

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Home-Based Care

REQUIREMENT: ABET Level 4, Mathematical Literacy NQF Level 1 

ABOUT: The Home-Based Care skills programme enables the learners to perform basic first aid and implement primary health care and frail care 

5 Weeks theoretical training at a POPUP centre, 
Monday to Friday from 08:00 – 15:00 
12 Weeks practical training at a clinic 
(Night/Day Duty – Weekdays/Holidays/Weekends) 

Hospitality Services

The Hospitality skills programme provides the learner with the skills needed to become an assistant chef and a food server assistant. These skills will empower the learner to work in any restaurant establishment, or even to start their own catering company/restaurant. 

REQUIREMENT: Minimum of NQF Level 2 literacy and numeracy 
16 weeks (Including Work Integrated Learning) 

Early Childhood Development

The ECD qualification will enable recipients to facilitate the all-round development of young children in a manner that is sensitive to cultural and individual needs (including special needs), and enable them to provide quality early childhood development services for children in a variety of contexts, including community-based services, ECD centres, at home and in institutions 

REQUIREMENT: English Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 3 

Workshops of one week (5 days) per month, with compulsory attendance per programme. Practical experience at an ECD centre under supervision of a qualified (level 4 or higher) ECD practitioner as mentor 

Computer & Office Admin

The Computer and Office Administration skills programme provides learners with the skills required to be involved in the administration function in any organisation or business 

REQUIREMENT: Meeting minimum literacy requirements 
PROGRAMME DURATION 11 Weeks theoretical training at a POPUP centre,  

Monday to Friday 08:00 -15:00 
1 – 3 Weeks practical training in the business environment 

Adult Education Training

The AET skills programme is the foundation training for all learners who do not meet the minimum requirements for the accredited skills programmes of their choice and to ensure that they are ready for any skills programme. In addition, learners that already qualify to do a skills programme may also utilise the AET programme to improve their English and Mathematics while 
waiting for placement in another skills programme. 


REQUIREMENT: Meeting minimum literacy requirements 
PROGRAMME DURATION3 Months, Monday to Friday 08:00 – 15:00 

Quality Staff

POPUP also offers its skills training to corporate clients that want to up-skill their employees.

We provide training solutions such as Adult Education and Training, Occupational Health and Safety, Life skills, Workplace Readiness and a variety of soft skills to suit the requirements of the corporate environment.


Discover how your company can actively contribute to learner development through POPUP’s learnership framework. With two distinct options available, you can seamlessly integrate learner support into your business strategy:

1. Utilize a portion of your Skills Development Spend to sponsor unemployed learners on a 12-month learnership program. Not only does this initiative aid in meeting your B-BBEE targets, but POPUP takes responsibility of the recruitment, hosting, and training of these learners on your behalf.

2. Alternatively, your company can serve as a host employer for an unemployed learner. By offering them a workspace and necessary equipment, you provide them with invaluable work experience within your workplace environment at no additional cost to your organisation.
Empower learners while enhancing your business’s impact with POPUP’s versatile learnership options

Enterprise Development

We train new entrepreneurs in developing their own businesses through an Enterprise Development programme that includes both theoretical & practical training. Many of our skills programmes have an entrepreneurial focus.

You can obtain the full benefit of claiming points for ED through:

Capital outlay

Supporting entrepreneurs in training and mentorship

Involving entrepreneurs as suppliers of your business

Preferential rates and supply chain support

Tax Benefits

98% of the beneficiaries are designated groups.

Claim your financial or “donation in kind” contribution as a deduction on your income tax. 

POPUP provides a Tax Certificate to you.

B-BEEE Scoring

POPUP is a B-BEEE level 1 contributor and is a value-adding organisation.

Benefits include an additional 15 points on your B-BBEE scorecard.

POPUP is a credible and accountable organisation with good corporate governance systems.

POPUP is aligned with the National Development Plan (NDP).

Obtain maximum SED, ESD and Skills Development points for your B-BBEE scorecard.

POPUP will be able to present skills training to your lower level employees at your company premises at times and intervals suitable to your needs.  Our Personal Growth and Life Skills Programme, AET (previously ABET) and Basic Computer Training will develop and empower your staff as part of your annual Skills Plan. Obtain B-BBEE scorecard and tax benefits for Skills Development and claim your contribution back from the Skills Fund.  POPUP will measure the outcome and ensure ROI to you as a company.


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In cases of the wrong amount typed in by the donor, POPUP will refund the donor to the full amount deducting the banking cost incurred to POPUP within 30 days.


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