About Us

At Origen Colab our learners embark on one of two pathways:
The 1000 Days Business Incubator is a journey for POPUP learners after their skills interventions.
Should they opt for the entrepreneurial pathway, they will receive additional development, mentorship, coaching and guidance to develop, deploy and grow a business as a sustainable source of revenue and income for themselves.
During this three-year journey, they are also supported with access to funding and additional business support services.
They ultimately graduate out of the program when they achieve business model validation. That is to say, the business achieves a sustainable profit trajectory.
The High-Impact Business Accelerator is an additional service we render to our communities. This is aimed towards entrepreneurs in the community that are already trading, or running a formal business.The accelerator offers a high value intervention to help these entrepreneurs achieve scale and increase their ability to employ the local workforce. This process is supported by mentorship and coaching interventions and additional business support services.By the nature of the interventions, they tend to be more tailored to the specific businesses.
It is predominantly focussed on two streams:
1.Informal trade
a.For this sector we may suggest some of the character and capacity interventions to address critical gaps.
b.The accelerator will help formalise some key activities of the business to create growth and secure sustainability.
2.Formal Business
a.For this stream, the accelerator offers support and mentorship for business growth. This includes market access, growth readiness, and operational support.
The High-Impact Business Accelerator is an additional service we render to our communities. This is aimed towards entrepreneurs in the community that are already trading, or running a formal business.The accelerator offers a high value intervention to help these entrepreneurs achieve scale and increase their ability to employ the local workforce. This process is supported by mentorship and coaching interventions and additional business support services.By the nature of the interventions, they tend to be more tailored to the specific businesses.
It is predominantly focussed on two streams:
1.Informal trade
a.For this sector we may suggest some of the character and capacity interventions to address critical gaps.
b.The accelerator will help formalise some key activities of the business to create growth and secure sustainability.
2.Formal Business
a.For this stream, the accelerator offers support and mentorship for business growth. This includes market access, growth readiness, and operational support.