POPUP Impact Returns 2023

The last two years have been characterised by significant changes at POPUP in almost every dimension. We have navigated leadership changes and refocussed our strategy and structure to align with our core purpose. Perhaps most significantly, we have aligned our impact metrics with our core objectives.

The external environment has been tumultuous and unstable with everything from the grey listing to general economic growth constraints placing pressure on our funding channels and placement opportunities. We are resolute in our purpose and continue to innovate towards a more sustainable and measurable impact as espoused by our core values.

POPUP Impact Returns Calculations

POPUP uses a simplified approach. How much money was spent vs how much value was created? Spend is easy to determine. The value created is determined by benchmarking an equivalent spend in the market to achieve the same academic outcomes.

Five categories are used:

Course Benchmark % Saving
Life Skills Commercial 53%
Basic Lit Government* 91%
AET Government 73%
EUC Commercial 33%
Other Outsourced Various Commercial 12%


The government is the best proxy for Basic Literacy and Adult Education and Training since comparative data for these specific interventions limited and highly nuanced. This makes it difficult to compare like for like. A standard, such as government spending, allows for comparative performance measured against a publicly available and neutral benchmark.

*In 2021, the government in South Africa spent USD 3578 per full-time equivalent student on public institutions (below the OECD average of USD 11 560) in primary to tertiary education (Education GPS, OECD, 2023).

On this basis, POPUP can claim the following:

POPUP creates R1.88 of educational value for every 1 Rand spent.

Impact yields of 88% per annum.


Understanding Impact

These calculations allow us to measure economic yield and tangible value created. This does not tell the whole story. Behind each one of these numbers and rands is a person. That person leaves our process with a discovery of their worth and dignity. Often, for the first time in her adult life, she feels significant. She dares to dream about a tomorrow that is better than today.

This hope permeates her activities, her decisions, and her priorities. It repositions her in every context she engages. She no longer cowers away, or resorts to external locus of control. She shapes. She creates.

She is the agent of her destiny that contributes positively to every sphere of her engagement. Her story is the reason we exist. Her story is how we help to shape tomorrow’s workforce.

She is someone you want on your team.

Where are we going?

A synopsis of our strategic intent will be published in our Annual Report in June. We have made significant progress in the last two years but are inspired by the opportunities that lie before us. We intend to engage the complexities and challenges that face our youth, to enable our economy to harness our most powerful resources more effectively.

If you want to find out more or connect with our work, join us for our 25-year celebration and fundraising auction on 12 June at Monte de Dios. It will be an unforgettable event hosted by Nico Panagio including Anton Smit Sculptures, music by Zamar, good wine, and great people. For more information contact Marlise Johnson – [email protected].

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